Tuesday, June 29, 2010


I just had a minor breakthrough at the library. I have been mentioning a book over the last few months on a number of occasions. All that is well and good, but I could not remember the title nor author, making every mention of its value slightly dubious... or at least quite incomplete. I was about two-thirds through this journal style book when I realized two things: 1. I kind of like this character. 2. Hey wait a minute, he's gonna die. Bummer. I feel no desire to go into any more detail, but I went to the library today (first time in many months) looking for something new an stumbled back across this book and the very small weight was lifted from my shoulders. Any Human Heart by William Boyd. Huzzah.

Plant news... total zucchini harvest to date... eleven big beatiful green veggies. Some expected thunderstorms failed to show today, I am now watering in hopes of salvaging my droopy farm ( temps in the nineties for many days). Tomatoes still growing green, hoping for some ripeness soon. Herbs surviving. Beanplant is ravaged by insect chewing, but nothing else has been chewed upon... I leave it as a sacrificial lamb to the bug gods. It may yet yield a bean for us.

That's it.