Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You know it's tax time...

Don't be fooled by the lame title... this blog post is CHOICE!

Despite the preaching in my previous post, I find myself indoors computing on my couch. Granted, it's cold and dark outside... so indoors is the place to be. I will find my way to a new spot in the room. The corner by the bookcase looks good, if my expanding arse can fit there, I'll do it.

It didn't fit. So off to another corner. Also cramped. But I've found a spot on the floor. Mickey McWeenis has taken a spot on the couch - so everyone is comfortable.

TOPIC: The guy on the side of the road who's dressed up as the Statue of Liberty trying to get me to get my taxes done with those that hired him.

It's wrong on so many levels. I won't deride this guy... he's out getting relatively fresh air and exercising all day long for what can't be a whole lot of money. An honest living. While the obvious concern is the quality of tax advice one might receive from a company that has a mascot out on the street drumming up business, my thoughts go elsewhere. How is this guy evaluated? What training has made him polished enough to meet management's expectations? Was he taught the big Moses gestures or is he just riffing out there? The guy on Market Street and Gordon Road here in Wilmington NC is INTO it. I respect him. Eye contact with every driver. Cold as hell but he's doing his thing. How many people drive by and flick him off? It's got be in the thousands by the time April 15th rolls around. I tip my hat to anyone who does a job I could never do... and insane tax mascot, I tip it to thee.

disclaimer: I don't wear a hat primarily because it makes me look like I'm nine years old. This was not a problem when I was nine, but after say fourteen... it was time to hang it up. Nevertheless, I tip my hat figuratively.

Life Quiz:
1. What do you want to do with our life? fill in answer here: ___________________
2. Every day I ___________________
3. If your answer to #2 has nothing to do with answer #1 you've got a problem.

Dream every night, act on it every day and you've got a shot. Keep your eye on the ball and follow through.

It amazes me that my brain saves some quotes from my past and won't let them go. People I spent all my time with growing up, I can't remember a single thing they said to me. But a few things said to me by otherwise peripheral characters in my life stick out so strong. I'm not really sure why. I'm not sure if everybody's brain works like mine (pretty sure that's not the case - probably a good thing) and does the same thing. Keep your eye on the ball and follow through is one such phrase... damn good advice.

BLOG UPDATE: I hope to write more consistently with no purpose or direction. I failed my own life quiz. Time to keep my eye on the ball and follow through.


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