Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Post (I call myself a Blogger)

Wow... what a long absence, eh? Three or four weeks may not be all that extensive, but it feels that way. To my devoted readership I offer no apology or explanation, instead I offer the future of McBlogland. I'm back in gear (perhaps) with a vision for this forum. What I'd like to try is this: every day I take the top story/headline from some news source, summarize it (if necessary) and then offer up my take on it. I'll rotate sources to take me out of my comfort zone... this may require that I read something from People. I'm prepared to make that sacrifice, all for infotainment. Infotainment... sadly passed the spell-checker. I bet the French haven't allowed infotainemènt into their language. Alas. While it's not original to have an opinion I find that positions clearly articulated and thoughtful are in short supply (which is not to claim I will provide such, but I hope to). One can blame the talking heads (Rush, Olbermann, Hannity and to a lesser extent: Lauer, Couric and Walters). I have had my stomach turned by all of them to varying degrees. I believe the real problem is not the talking heads but the nodding heads. The nodding heads of America that take the bait and are reeled in to a thoughtless stupor. The nodding heads that look at an NBC News poll and don't really care what it says (or more often, does not say) and slobber in what their favorite pundit says it means. I like to think most people mean well, but I don't think they think well, if they think at all. We'll see how this works out. Tonight is just the introduction... I'll start in tomorrow. If anyone has any suggestions for source material, I'm all for it. Send it in privately or publicly, maybe I'll give you sponsorship rights to those blog entries. Maybe I don't really know what that means. Maybe I'm rusty with these words. Maybe the brown dog has sidled up to my hip and needs (not wants) to wrestle with me. Wrestle indeed. So we shall. A black dog whines and cries in the distance for no good reason. She wrestles with her demons and anxiety, I wrestle with the brown dog. Wrestle indeed.

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