With little fanfare the residents of 980 Northwest Avenue celebrate our nation's birthday. Perhaps I dishonor the red, white and blue by eating a salad today. But, I am no communist vegetarian, I also ate two angus hot dogs. That's right. Angus. I get hot dogs two or three times a year, so I will not buy into some meat-by-committee creation. Also, the beauty of grocery shopping late on the 4th is that you are sure to find the products you want pretty easily. Go the bread aisle, the only thing left on the shelves is whole wheat. Where normally one would have to hunt through the wonderbreads of hot dog buns, wonderbreads of burger buns and wonderbreads of wonderbreads to find the good for you stuff... today, clear sailing.
The best thing about today (and yesterday, and the day before) is that it is beautiful outside. Down into the low 70's overnight, up into the mid upper 80's with not much humidity. A/C has been off for several days. What I like most about this is the silence. Inside, just the quiet whirr of ceiling fans. Outside, no air conditioner cycling on and off polluting my backyard (and my brain) with unwanted noise and clutter. The mosquitoes have disappeared for the moment, another plus. The lawn is mowed and weedeated. The garden looks as good as it can. It turns out that another ant attack is responsible for the demise of 2.5 zucchini plants. Boiling water has been employed, we all expect a robust recovery. If not, I have been given a 13-point road map to peace that should put the ants in their place. Their place being elsewhere or dead. The myrtles have grown to their annoying stage, can't mow around them and their limbs plopped on the ground. Perhaps time again for a mid-season buzz cut. Weeds continue to propagate in the front of the house... Round-up has been purchased. Round-up will be used. Time again to prune the gigantic azaleas. Tee small gigantic ones. The large gigantic ones are beyond my ability and desire.
Dogs snack on grass clumps. Maggie made another mole-kill today, the first in a while. Her least destructive to date. No month-long stalking and extensive tunnel unearthing. One little hole and she got it. Mickey stole it away a few moments later. Soon after I tossed it over the fence. A little muss, no fuss.
I am painting our small bathroom. Step 1, remove all the grandma wallpaper from 1974. Step 2, fill the many holes from long since abandoned towel bar mounting brackets. Step 3, sand. Step 4, vacuum. Step 5, prime. Step 6, think it looks pretty good just primed, think of a way to do no more work on it. Step 7, keep thinking how to consider it Mission Accomplished.