Sunday, March 21, 2010

March Blog

Oh, hi there. You remember me, right? The blog that blogged everyday for some time. Some time ago in fact. Now a forced effort is required to make sure each month has a single entry. Last post: February 1st. Quite a drought. In fact, it was pretty juicy around these parts, making a trip outside with the laptop and dogs unwise, unlikely and unhappening. That's no excuse for almost 60 days of nothing. Sometimes it just shuts itself down. There was travel and sickness, which are also not worthwhile excuses since both could have and should have provided some material. Some tidbits. Some thing. But no. Maybe life's little details didn't seem interesting. That happens. The minutia, just too minute too mention. The big stuff too big to tackle. Not enough outdoor dog time has some effect on me. I get a different perspective. A different field of vision opens up, closes, twists, turns, fades and heaves. The dogs let me know how exciting it would be to go outside right now. And how much fun it would be to lay on my back with my mouth half open, eyes rolled back in my head, softly snoring. An occasional dreamtwitch of my leg the only movement besides my chest rising and falling with each unconscious breath.

So, I'm not saying I'm back or promising any specific blog frequency in the coming weeks. But, I am here right now. (cue Doogie Howser M.D. closing music)

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