Friday, March 6, 2009

फ्रिद्गासौरुस एक्टिवेट! Fridgasaurus ACTIVATE!

Trying the video upload. We shall see what comes of it. As with other images here, not likely to be relevant to the blog at hand. Strange that it took no time to load this but takes some time to load pictures. No time vs Some time. No contest.

My apologies to those of you expecting (if not hoping for and being desirous of) a new segment in the pre-apocalyptic tales of Wayne Gibbous. The Moon Man. He has a child you know. A son, of course. They're estranged... the distance between son and Moon Man expands and contracts at regular intervals for reasons determined long ago by forces determined long before that. He may have a daughter... we're not sure yet. The reason? A daughter wouldn't lend herself to the easy wordplay necessary to make the story tick.

Tick like my refrigerator. Which as it turns out, was not really cooling things. It would tick trying to get the compressor fan motor started and initiate cooling. Tick tick tick tick. No dice. Julian came by and checked it out, complete with Volt-Ohm-Meter and concluded that the compressor fan motor was bad. Julian, famous for his calendar, his Caesar era calendar. And now even more so for his refrigerator troubleshooting. Now, if you give the fan blade a quick spin (like an old airplane propeller start up) it will whirr to life and run. Run and cool and run some more. Then, eventually, click. And click some more. Slowly warming. So the motor works, but can't start. I don't get it either. But 30 dollars and 30 minutes should fix the problem if the problem is as advertised.

This writer's head hurts and the very same head is interested in the success or failure of the video upload. So we'll make this a quickie and git-r-done.

An aside: The Liberty Tax Service mascot guy was rocking in sub freezing temps earlier this week and now enjoys a sunny 70 degree afternoon. We're all enjoying it.


Fridgasaurus ACTIVATE!

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