Friday, December 4, 2009

A nice brisk blog

Mid 50's and not yet raining, which is ideal weather for an outside sit and type. Yes, the brick step under my butt is chilly. But I'll call it "refreshing" and continue on about my business.

We had a tornado warning the other night, with the suspicious storm cell on a direct path for our area. We were eating the last of the Thanksgiving pumpkin pie when we saw the warning pop up on tv. It was a little dilemma... finish the pie and risk not being prepared or wait on the pie and take cover. After some silent soul searching we decided to be smart. The pie went back into the fridge and we corralled all the animals with us in the hall bathroom. Mickey got to be in his travel crate, Moe hid behind the toilet and Maggie laid on the floor. Aside from Moe growling and potentially picking a fight with Maggie, it was uneventful. Our phones kept us informed of the latest weather alerts and our power never flickered. I never heard the train a' comin'... so I'm guessing the tornado never materialized. Given how destructive tornadoes are, I wonder why they don't build earth-bermed houses in the Midwest. There's plenty of dirt.

After half an hour in the bathroom, we emerged. All returned to normal. Moments later, the pumpkin pie was no more.

Now it's starting to rain. If I read the owner's manual right, rain is bad for computers and thus bad for blogging... so let's shut this down.

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