Friday, April 10, 2009


This is one of those days where the world doesn't seem to be functioning at full capacity or efficiency. The daycare is closed for Good Friday. Spring break is finishing up. The sun is out. People are working, but the kind of work done on Saturdays so as not interefere with "normal" business hours. All this leaves me feeling hungry. Not really a straight line between cause and effect... but I am hungry and the world is slightly off-kilter today. Emails go out, but no reply. It's just mighty quiet. Time to join the ranks and call it? Perhaps. Office is slightly messy but chock full of important niblets. Each of the many scattered pages about my desk highlights numerous projects in various states of calloused development.

The Liberty Tax Service mascot replacements have improved their game, but still not up to the level that the original displayed. He was the Babe Ruth of his craft - his appearance, showmanship and results all speak for themselves. And I speak for them or to them as well.

Started White Tiger and think it will be a good book. It won the Man Booker prize which is indirectly how I found my buddy David Mitchell and Haruki Murakami. It's also how I found some other authors whose work didn't quite reach me, but I've found some good ones through this twisted writing-prize non-family tree. What? Exactly. You, and you know who You are, will be happy to know that I got The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle and it is next up for this reader.

The buzz from the fluorescent lights owns this room now. Owns the building. Owns my thoughts. hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Is this one man's descent into madness? No, just minor annoyance. No, just loss of focus. No, just incessant white noise. Normally I'm a big fan of the white noise. I'm especially a big fan of white noise generated from big fans.

Light should be seen, not heard.


Blogadier General said...

Did you read Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell? It's a fine book.

Incidentally, so is White Noise.

Cunado said...

I did indeed. It was the first that I read by him. I read his others as well... me like. Me like.

White Noise is a book... excellent. Perhaps I'll track it down.