Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Poor Horatio

Not a lot to say. If that doesn't entice you to keep reading, I don't know what will.

Wayne Gibbous found his hotel room just as he had left it. At least, he assumed it was how he left it. Who really takes stock of a Red Roof Inn hotel room before leaving to follow someone who is following them? Apparently not Wayne. So the room hadn't been obviously ransacked, which was nice. Wayne needed a night off from the madness. While he knew the O'Ryan's Belt crowd was onto his whereabouts, they seemed in no hurry to engage him.

The rest of the evening Wayne watched a variety of tv shows with varying amounts of interest. The rapidly changing light from the tv lit up the walls of the room. It was one of those hotel rooms where no matter where you were, you could see yourself in a mirror. When the light of the tv was especially bright, Wayne would look at himself, starkly spotlighted in bright cathode ray tube-ish blue light. As soon as he could focus in on himself the tv would go dark and he'd look away and put his attention back on the show at hand.

He saw a History Channel (or "an History Channel" ... I often use "an" just to sound snobby... I think "uh" works best but it doesn't look appropriate when written out) special on giant Chinese war boats, or barges, or floating forts. Crazy stuff. Luckily there were plenty of slaves to power the boats that acted as water-based fortresses. They squared off against steam-powered British warships with their human-powered boats... and fared quite well. A few hours were lost watching a marathon of Clean House. After a few minutes in, he would be hooked and had to watch the whole hour. He didn't feel proud for watching, but not ashamed either. It was a perfectly aligned, completely balanced session of tv watching.

At the top of each hour he'd try to watch A&E to see the opening moments of CSI Miami to watch David Caruso make a lame statement followed by the scream from The Who's "Won't get fooled again." If only he knew about this video and had free wi-fi and a computer so that he could watch it - the evening may have played out differently. Or maybe not. You never can tell.

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