Thursday, April 2, 2009

Pre Draft

25 minutes before a fantasy baseball draft and time to blog. I could research players and consider some strategery, but I tend to do so poorly in this format that any effort on my part can only do harm. I'm regularly in the bottom three no matter what I think I do.

I pass kudos to NBC news tonight for their coverage of the Obama's in London... it seemed like they spent more time on Michelle's visit to a school for girls than they did on Barack at the G20. I really found it more relevant, touching and worthwhile.

Rescue Me is back on soon... good news for watchers of quality television.

Liberty Tax Service mascot update: My favorite dude is missing. He's been replaced by a couple other guys with nowhere near the same drive or passion for streetside advertising. I miss him.

I also miss live baseball. I will see some this year, by god. Maybe even once in Lynchburg, VA. Then again, maybe not.

Rain driving safety tip... don't use cruise control - if you hydroplane it confuses your car and bad things can happen.

Now I draft for the baseball.

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