Monday, November 16, 2009

An apology

I rip on Myrtle Beach a lot. There's a lot not to like, I stand by that position. But, I am currently on a deck overlooking the ocean, waves crashing in, a constant whooshing with occasional lulls and occasional swells. I'm here for free, more or less. If you live out on the coast hereabouts you are bound to know someone who has a beach place. The ocean is cool. The ocean for free, with wifi internet on a balcony on a crisp fall night is extra cool. Granted, if I could swing this at Cape Cod or on the Isle of Skye it would be extra-awesome. But this is what I've got, and it's better than most. It's accessible. It's possible. It's actually happening. It's now. Right Now. Hey. It's your tomorrow. Right now. come on, it's everything. Right now. Catch this magic moment and do it right here and now. It's what's happening.

I'm in the moment. The moment could be better... it always could. And the moment could be worse, in fact for most, it is worse. So I'm happy to be in Myrtle beach. Happy to be in South Carolina. Good times. Not great times, but darn good. Plus, there is a chill in the air. Happy.

Sorry for being so critical, Myrtle Beach. We've had some good times, and we're having one now.

Whooosh crash lull swell wash. It's cool watching the waves come in, especially at night where the glow of the bubbles and foam are all you see appearing from the darkness. There's no horizon, sea and sky may as well be one. Stars and waves are all that break up the blankness. The waves sometimes join up as one long super-wave or come in one after another. Trying to make sense of them and predict the crash as they break on the shore is impossible, but I keep trying.

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