Sunday, November 8, 2009

Quick Blog

Admit it, you continue to miss my constant blogging.

My favorite thing about store brands at supermarkets are the great ripoff names they use. If I had done any preparation or research for this I would have a host of silly names and their slightly less silly counterparts' names. But, as this is just a spur of the moment blurb following some inspiration from the bargain bin at Food Lion, I leave you with two drinks to consider:

Dr. Perky
Chubby Sunshine

That's all. Perhaps I'll blog more in the coming week. Perhaps I won't. Oooh, the suspense.


Sam said...

Chubby Sunshine sounds like a hipster nickname for ecstasy.I like it.

Blogadier General said...

Names for generic Dr. Pepper are always great. The two that come to mind:

Dr. Smooth (Harris Teeter?)
Dr. Thunder (Wal-Mart maybe)

The venerable Eric R. Mahone, DDS, went by Dr. Smooth for the better part of 1999.

Cunado said...

Good points, both of you.

re: Dr. Smooth in 1999

Yet another reason that 1999 will forever be fondly remembered as the year before 2000.

re: Chubby Sunshine in 2009

It pretty much speaks for itself.