Friday, November 13, 2009

Starts with 'spam'

San Martin was then appointed governor of Cuyo, with his headquarters at Mendoza.

Hello, I am Milena Lane.

Maybe you expected a takeoff on a Jeopardy! quiz category. Maybe you thought I'd go off on spicy-canned-pseudo-meat products tangent. Maybe you took nothing from the title. Maybe you didn't know there was a title. Maybe you knew it all along. It was a gift form the cyberspace attritioners, emailing and emailing so that at some time, on some computer, somewhere, one message will finally slip through the cracks and reach someone... someone looking to buy discount Viagra, a spectacular replica watch or an online degree. But it found me. Me who is looking to buy none of the above, but who loves your writing more than almost any other. Ghostwriter, I envy your work and fancy your wordcraft. You say more in two strangely formed lines than I could in four desperately edited run-ons. I don't really know what you're saying, but you say it well. I feel it. Genius. Why pay for a Kindle or buy volumes of collected works of the greats when all my literary thirst can be quenched by opening up my email and drinking in another masterfully concocted cocktail compliments of you? You don't complete me, understand, I'm not saying that. But you are always there. You are there. Always. You are persistence unmatched. You give and give and give. I take all I can, but you give so much more. You offer so much. Like Viagra, replica watches and online degrees.

But why talk nonsense.

That's how you closed tonight's edition.

You said it, cyber-writer.

I'm so smitten.

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