Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Admit it, you've missed my constant blogging.

Time to get caught up a little. I don't keep a pile of drafts sitting around, instead I keep them stacked up in my brain where they are constantly evolving or dissipating, sometimes disappearing, reappearing, strengthening, weakening, stagnating, etcetera-ing. It is good to be back in the yard with the dogs where happiness is a deflated basketball and a weirdly shaped frisbee. I like my pesrpective here. It's better for me than being on the road. But the road helps me appreciate what Brown (dog) can do for me. Black (dog) too.


I saw something I wish I hadn't on the way out of Savannah, GA a couple weeks ago. There was heavy traffic as it was about 8am. A morning fog, not uncommon down south, was hanging a few feet above all the cars. I saw a small shape limping it's way as fast as it could across the four lanes of traffic. It was a small cat, brown, black and white. It was in bad shape already as it must have had a leg or two run over. It may not have survived its initial injury had it reached safety but it didn't reach safety, a big school bus ran over it. I guess I haven't seen death happen very often, if at all. One second that little dude was struggling to survive - I was rooting him on, for him to make it across, run little dude, run little dude. The next second, it's over. I felt my stomach churn and could easily have cried. It really made me sad. I wish it would end there, but my head keeps working on things like this long after they've happened. The next upsetting thing is that there are people that may have seen the same thing and felt nothing. Or may have gotten a kick out of it. "Oh, man I saw this cat running across the road... then wham, this bus ran right over it." What destroyed me in the moment might be nothing more than a good little story for someone else to tell throughout the day. That's more disturbing than what happened to the cat. All the same, I feel bad for that cat, and I'm still rooting for him, run little dude.


It is certifiably chilly outside tonight. Yes! I heart fall.

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