Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A bad day

for animal watching. Today's only sighting was a cat scurrying into the woods. A feline blur. A kitty scamper. What a pity, I never even got to ask its name.

Not a cow to be seen.

(pause for reflection)

I stand corrected, though not about the cow.

There was a deer on the side of the road I spied as I was slowly driving through a residential area. If it had come out in the street and I hit him/her, it would have been a casual fender bender type of deal. I'd get out, nobody would really be hurt, we wouldn't want to call the police or bring about any insurance claim. Just an awkward little mishap. Of course, the deer might walk away and show up a few weeks later with a neck brace on and get some ambulance chasing lawyer involved. But I like to think we would resolve it like a civilized person and animal. As it happened, the deer stayed in the brush and I drove on past without incident. I kept on driving. Driving toward dinner. Pizza and wings and sweet tea. Good for ya!Now I am yawning with much gusto. I hope to sleep with similar zeal.


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