Thursday, October 15, 2009

Good Blog

Good Blog will wait another day. Constant mosquito attacks make blogging conditions less than ideal. A lack of sleep is also not helping matters and a poor day of food eating make it best not to try to write anything too heady. I'll stick with the basics for another day or so. Observational. Not Observational Humor a la Seinfeld... just observational.

Mickey has a rubber frisbee that he likes to run around with in his mouth. Most critters and people would grab the thing from the edge, like a plate. Goober likes to get it from the middle which leaves it badly disfigured, sometimes taking on a sombrero shape. But, being rubber, it is still capable of flight. It has held up well, no major punctures or pieces missing. To date, Kongs, a Tanzanian fun ball, the frisbee, a red rubber bone and some Incredible Rings have held up best to the daily canine assault. Tennis balls are only interesting for so long, and while the fuzz is fun to pull on and eat, they're just not that great for our dogs. The rubber toys are built to last and built for fun. His food and water bowls also make occasional appearances as toys. Loud toys. Loud metal toys.

Tonight's entertainment in the yard is either grasshoppers or crickets. Either way, Mickey has his nose to the ground and darts his head back and forth tracking something. He'll get one in his mouth then run a few feet away and lay down. When he opens his mouth back up sometimes the unlucky hopping bug falls back out, alive. It hops away, to be chased again. Mickey is mostly visual, he tries to use his nose, but it's not that gifted. While he's trainable, he's not all that sharp. He eats a lot of dirt, which on the scale of things dogs eat, puts him on the upper end of the continuum. This is unlike his sister, who might be considered a bottom feeder of sorts.

There is a strange noise coming from the woods which sounds like a cross between heavy exhaling and a spoon hitting a big tinfoil pan. The dogs are uninterested. Mickey can't see it and Maggie can't smell it.... so what's the big deal?

Agggh, Mosquito! You make me sad. You hurt my feelings. I wish you would go elsewhere, and quickly.

I tried out some MRE's.... government issue rations. I'm guessing they are about 3 years old or so. I went in with no major preconceived notions, I'd heard good an bad reviews. This will surprise no one, the cracker included was really really good. Some sort of vegetable wheat concoction. Still crispy and light and wholesome. It came with some strawberry jelly - top notch stuff. There was some pineapple pound cake that I haven't been man enough to open yet. A pouch full of applesauce was not bad, almost better than store brand sauce but nowhere near as good as homemade. And you got to squeeze it into your mouth through the corner of the pouch... pretty fun. The scary part was the black bean burrito and rice. Imagine a plastic pouch about the size of a hot chocolate mix bag stuffed with a flat wadded up something.... the burrito was in there. You could comfortably keep one in your back pocket all day. I'm not really sure what the tortilla substitute was, but it almost had a butterscotch/candy bar/toffee look and consistency... and taste. I heated it up in the toaster. There were beans and rice in there, but digging to them through the outer layer of mocha colored candy was too much, I couldn't finish it. There was a spoon, napkin, salt and pepper, moist towelette, creamer, sugar and coffee pouch included as well. Not a bad meal if you could get past the scary burrito. Overall I give it 3 out of 5 stars - The snacks were great and the extras were nice, only the main course was lacking. I would not be unhappy with that in a dire situation, but I probably won't volunteer to eat much more of it. Today I did open up another pouch that included beefy macaroni. Again, the crackers were excellent, but the pouch of macaroni felt way too juicy. I learned my lesson with the burrito.

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