Thursday, October 1, 2009

October 1st, the first day of the rest of your life.

It is upon us. Long awaited, much anticipated --- October. I was about to launch an entire orb from which all October posts would form, but I'll put that off a day. I'll lay the groundwork for all that... and there will be irony. Lawd knows there will be irony.

What's the deal with _______? I'm not even kidding people. I'm serious, it's crazy! I don't get it.

The great teetering point for all blogs, especially those with no focus or direction, is narrowly centered between keen observation of life's interesting questions and sounding like a bad lesbian stand-up routine from the late 80's. I'm not picking on lesbians here, and not even the 80's... but you know what I'm saying. Complaining about the inane rather than offering anything new, and doing so in ill-fitting sneakers, jeans and a blazer with the sleeves rolled up... and an overblown perm. Your blog reads like bad stand-up. Ouch. That would hoit.

Tonight's topic: Things that bother me. That could be good, but more often than not, it's not. When those flop, the ol' blog just becomes a ball of negativity. So, my plan for October is happy. I normally don't find "happy" to be interesting. I don't "get" happy songs. I prefer sad endings with unfulfilled characters in movies. Happy usually doesn't inspire me. Happy is not easy. I may be happy, but it's not something I think I share in most of what I do. So, that's my personal challenge for October. My favorite month. No gripes, no whining. Happy. Good. Nice. And, hopefully, for your sake, entertaining.

Game on. Despite the theme, I will try not to make any mention of rainbows, unicorns or pixie dust, all of which I love dearly and give me great joy.

1 comment:

anne said...

for inspiration, check out the chief happiness blog :)