Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I made it through another 6-month dentist visit, and with flying colors. No cavities. They are keeping an eye on a few "shadows," but none have progressed (badly) since my last visit. Now a few thoughts and reflections, mostly about dentistry, but not entirely.

* The headrest is always, always, always going to mess up your hair no matter how you try to position yourself.
* I like getting to wear the now standard protective eyewear, today's glasses were as dark as sunglasses. Nice.
* There was one little goober of toothpaste on the lens at the end of my appointment.
* I requested to wear the lead apron for the duration of my cleaning. The hygienist never said no, but it didn't happen.
* I will never try chocolate-mint flavored toothpaste, not at the dentist's office, not anywhere.
* I like how they always warn me that they are going to spray water and air into my mouth. If you can't handle water (pH neutral water) in your mouth... you've got major problems. Air... I can see that being a bit of an irritant, but not really.
* I asked today if any patients keep their eyes open throughout the cleaning. The answer was yes. Then I asked if I was the strange one for keeping my eyes closed. Not sure what the answer was there.
* If you do keep your eyes open the whole time... what can you possibly be looking at? Stop creeping out your hygienist.
* Just because I say something that's stupid, doesn't mean I'm not serious.
* I asked if any of those pointy scrapers ever break. It happens.
* The brushing machine they use has become more and more gentle over the years. In the 70's it felt like a wire brush, now it doesn't. I'm thinking this is a result of some major series of NASA Space Shuttle experiments.
* I will miss the Space Shuttle when it retires.


Sam said...

I really like people but I sort of wish zero conversation was the norm for dentistry and haircuts. I know that mkaes me sound like an asshole and it's no reflection on those whose job it is to be up in my mouth/head, but it's disconcerting to try to act naturally in that situation. I'd rather just zone out or read McCall's or Redbook from six years ago.Or More, that magazine for people over 50 that always has either Susan Sarandon or Diane Keaton on the cover.

Cunado said...

I know where you're coming from. With dentists/hygienists, I think what they do is interesting, so I take the questions/conversation to them. As for the small talk... not into it. I don't get my haircut so I can avoid most of that boringness there. Sidenote... good magazines at both dentist and doctor over the the last few days in as much as Diane Keaton (circa 1987) and Susan Sarandon (circa 1994) were nowhere to be seen.

- The author

Sam said...

I am both weirded out and jealous of your new Site Meter. Maybe a person likes to go back and read funny things they've written! That doesn't make them a total narcissist, does it? DOES IT?

Cunado said...

Sam, I won't judge your blog visitation habits if you don't judge mine.

Narcissist? No. NO. Definitely not. Self-absorbed blogophile... maybe.

Sam said...

But I can't judge yours. I don't have your little Orwell widget. I just assume my blog is the first thing everyone goes to everyday.And the last.