As promised, though not requested...
There are several levels to the whole Michael Vick "thing," here goes.
I don't at all like what happened to those dogs. It was cruel, inhumane, unconscionable, deplorable, brutal, nasty and every other negative word you can think up to describe it. I am thoroughly pro-dog.
He went to jail for his actions and lost a big fat contract in the process ($130,000,000.00). I am pro-consequences.
Many animal lovers remain firmly disgusted by his actions. I am pro-consequences, still. You hurt dogs, dog lovers will not like you. So far so good.
If that's where it ends, with entrenched anger, no good has come from any of the bad. Put Vick away for life, keep him on the sidelines (literally or figuratively, your choice)... no good comes from that. There are something like 40,000 dog fighting groups in the U.S. Shunning Vick does nothing to change that, it only punishes 1/40,000. Not good enough. I am pro-progress. I believe that his work with the ASPCA will do some good. I also believe that the head of the ASPCA has put some lofty yet attainable expectations on Vick. Aside from scoring touchdowns and throwing the ball 70 yards, when has anyone put any expectations on his character? Maybe never.
Do I think he has changed? Not necessarily. I hope he has, but for my purposes and the
greater good, it doesn't really matter. I think he was snapped into shape by being caught and punished. I don't usually believe people can change much, whether in fiction or reality, so I can't alter my general belief that he is much the same as he was before. But if his actions can change and have a positive effect on a disgraceful problem, then that's something. You can hate Vick, but you should embrace what he may be able to accomplish. I am pro-optimism. He's got advisers helping him along... good, he's proven he can't make good decisions on his own. Having his crew/posse/entourage around him all those years were not the best influence, obviously.
Should he have a job as a player in the NFL? That's Roger Goodell's call. If he says he can play, then I think the Eagles are one of the best places he could go to. Yes, I'm biased as an Eagles fan. I think the organization generally gives a damn. I think for years Donovan McNabb has endured more grief and scrutiny than he deserved and has done so with class, humor and character. I think he works hard at what he does. I know Vick never did. McNabb will be a good influence. The Eagles are watching Vick's off the field work as much as his on the field production. I never got the sense that the Ravens or Cowboys were too intent on being sure that Ray Lewis and Pacman Jones stepped up. Lip service or not, the Eagles have their eyes on Vick. And the rest of us have our eyes on Vick and the Eagles. I am pro-oversight. Tony Dungy adds some weight to the whole thing, too. He's genuine and has been through some rough times (he is active with prisoner rehab and his son committed suicide)... I don't think he'd sign on to be a pawn in some big ruse. Also, he's on the Eagles TV network now, so he won't be far from Vick.
I can't imagine. I don't think he offered it as an excuse, but when you're eight years old and dogfighting is accepted in your neighborhood as cool, maybe that puts a distorted sense of right and wrong in your head. At eight I would have been hard pressed to be a part of that culture and know any better. I was in Leave it Beaver-Land, and I'm glad I was. My major concerns at eight were getting through swimming lessons without drowning and making sure I had shoes that would help me run fast. Those are still pretty high up on my list of concerns.
Up to this point there has been nothing positive, just a bunch of dead and abused dogs. If all goes as I would hope, there can be nothing but positive steps going forward. It's worth the risk of somebody saying
I told you so a few years from now if it all crumbles. So, protest at games, and chant nasty things, but do so at the risk of being out-classed by Vick (Too much? I'm sticking with it) when he holds true to his word and makes a difference. I hope he does. And I would hope that everyone would hope he does.