Saturday, August 8, 2009

Shell landing

I'm sitting on a rickety bench next to a sandy boat ramp. The bench could comfortably seat one and a half people, so my Gatorade fruit punch and I are pretty happy together here. There's a lot of rubble built up on both sides of the ramp to hold back erosion, especially erosion from hurricane storm surges and the like. It's mostly broken up concrete, but there are also a bunch of bricks. Some are loners. Some are grouped in huge chunks still mortared together - former chimneys, walls and walkways. I (and possibly no one else) would like to grab a brick and somehow tap into its story. Go back to the clay stage and watch it get baked. See it at the building site and get a picture of what it has been through.

Everything has a story, and I think every atroy is intreating in itla own way (I decided to keep that line, I think the typos are cool). Really, if walls could talk, that would be quite awesome. But, the wall would also have to be a good listener, or else it wouldn't have any stories to tell. And if the wall had an attitude and was a real jerk, a totally self-absorbed prima donna, that would be too bad. So, it would be cool if walls could talk, but I'd have to attach some conditions to the whole thing before signing off on it.


Blogadier General said...

Might I recommend:

The American Century as Seen Through a Brick. Year of the Whopper. Latrodectus Mactans Productions. Documentary cast w/ narration by P.A. Heaven; 35mm.; 52 minutes; color w/ red filter and oscillophotography; silent w/ narration. As U.S. Boston's historical Back Bay streets are stripped of brick and repaved with polymerized cement, the resultant career of one stripped brick is followed, from found-art temporary installation to displacement by E.W.D. catapult to a waste-quarry in southern Québec to its use in the F.L.Q.-incited anti-O.N.A.N. riots of January/Whopper, all intercut with ambiguous shots of a human thumb's alterations in the interference pattern of a plucked string. PRIVATELY RELEASED ON MAGNETIC VIDEO BY LATRODECTUS MACTANS PRODUCTIONS

Cunado said...

Sweet, I will hunt that down. A wealth of knowledge, that Blogadier General... a wealth of knowledge. Thanks, dude.