Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Earn your pay

I'll dedicate a few minutes to this because the streak is worth it. It's not like I'm in the hospital, unconscious and unresponsive. The fact that I don't feel like doing it is not powerful enough to keep from doing it. So... blog. I'd rather not talk about the sickliness, so I won't.

Let's move back to Town Hall Meetings ( Take heart believers in immediate health care reform, the crazier the critics look, the more sensible any of the proposals look. Take heart no one, each side has vested interests with megabucks backing the success or failure of any proposal. I know a lot of the footage is pretty nuts at the senators' and representatives' town hall meetings, and you couldn't possibly convince me to go to one, but the thing is this, they got voted in by the mob (figurative), they have to answer to the mob (figurative) and I think that skilled politicians can win over the mob (figurative) in almost any situation. Bill Clinton could have won over McCaskill's or Specter's audience in five words or less. This is where they have to earn their keep.

This relates to a thought I had after a couple nights performing music (gigs, some might call them). First night was rough for too many reasons to express. The second night we found a groove and put on a pretty good show. My thought is this, we got paid because of night two, but we earned it on night one - the night when we were dripping with sweat, where nothing would stay in tune, when technical difficulties were abundant, etc. You earn it with the crickets and the vacant drunken stares, not the cheers and slightly less vacant drunken stares.

So, I say, buck up and take it on the chin. If you're doing something you believe in, even when none of the results are readily apparent, then you should have no problem finding the inner strength to push through.

Now, a cough from our sponsor.


Sam said...

"Bill Clinton could have won over McCaskill's or Specter's audience in five words or less. This is where they have to earn their keep."

Very, very true.

The Wrong Shirt said...

"You earn it with the crickets and the vacant drunken stares, not the cheers and slightly less vacant drunken stares."

Also very true.

Feel better, dog.

Cunado said...

Gracias, Los Dos Pacificos Northwesticos. Feeling better.