Thursday, August 20, 2009


I did a little channel flipping a night or two ago and came across "Coach" on WGN. You remember it... the mildly depressing comedy with Craig T. Nelson and Jerry Van Dyke from the early 1990's. Seeing it made me recall an ongoing disagreement/feud/point of contention between Jack and me during the late 90's. You may know Jack from such screen names as "the Wrong Shirt" or "Jack" or "Bass Playor" or "The Virginia Gentleman" or you may not know him at all. Either way, I continue. I may not remember the specifics of our positions, so if I wrongly characterize them, I apologize. I also can't be sure why it drove such a wedge between us or ever came up in the first place. The issue was Dauber (or Dawber, perhaps another point of contention). We could not agree upon which character he was. I was sure it was the tall blond dumb guy, Jack was adamant that he was played by Jerry Van Dyke. If we had computers and wikipedia and "the Google" during that era, the question would have been answered and laid to rest in a matter of seconds. That's all well and good. We had no real resource to settle the matter at the time. Frankly, it was quite a lot more fun having the back and forth battle than having a definitive answer.

After seeing the first few minutes of "Coach" I now know for a fact who Dauber (Dawber) was/is. I wish I hadn't seen it. I've lost a piece of myself. I've lost a good friend, my dear friend Indignant Trivial Disagreement. Or is it Disagreed Upon Trivial Indignation (DUTI for short)? Now we'll need to come up with a whole new petty feud to forget about over the course of many years. Hey, it's not that I don't think we're up to the task, that's not it at all. Just... darn.



Sam said...'s the tall, Blonde guy, right? When I saw the title of this post I was so excited and hopeful this was, in fact, a post about the show Coach. You didn't disappoint.

Sam said...

I don't know why I capitalized blonde.

Cunado said...

Yep, Dauber = tall blond/e guy. I'm impressed your first thought was of the show.

As a heads up, if ever title something "Silver Spoons" it probably won't be about the show.

Sam said...

Wait, are you subtly telling me I'm spelling blonde wrong? Because I think both are acceptable. Or I could be wrong/e.

Blogadier General said...

The silence coming out of Seattle is deafening...

The Wrong Shirt said...

I shall now break my silence. My memory is worse than Doug's - I'd entirely forgotten that our Dauber thing was a feud at all, or that it was related in any way to a half-witted, sportish "Wings" wannabe sitcom. I just remember that we were always shouting "Dauber!" at each other.

I can't help but wonder what other precious memories I've unwittingly sequestered to a dark, cobwebby, spooky part of my brain.

But now, thanks to Doug's blog (which truly is a slice of life), I can finally begin to reassemble the missing pieces of my adolescent-/young adult-/middle-agehood. God bless you, Goodman McFarlane. God bless you every one.

And ... Dauber.

Cunado said...

re: blond/e
I am of the camp that goes gender specific, using blond for boys and blonde for girls. Oddly, the built-in blogger spell checker here doesn't like blonde. I support your spelling choic/e.

re: feud
As I recall, it was a short, intense disagreement that was left unresolved due to our joint apathy and laziness. You were right to have pushed it into your darkest recesses for any number of reasons. I have forgotten many precious memories as well. When the theme song to Coach came on a giant switch flipped inside me and years of pent up emotion came flooding out, in blog form.