Monday, August 17, 2009

It begins.

The next streak, that is.


For how long will this one last? Not so important this time around.

Let's all just ease into it nice and slow like, hmmm?

To catch up a little:

I'm reading another Roddy Doyle book. I enjoy his simple style though he loses me in the details of description and dialog at times. I think that's ok and is perhaps the intent. Maybe I'm just a step slow. I'm ok with that, too.

It's official, Absurdistan was a good book - according to this reader.

The yellow squash has been compromised somehow. There are three promising young squashes, but the first and biggest has all of a sudden gone squishy and discolored. I'm leaving it as a sacrifice in hopes that the other two can grow to a ripe old age. A great pun to be had there for anyone interested. No? Nobody? Fair enough, me neither. Squish Squash? Anybody into that one? OK, moving on...

The sickness is in its waning stages. I'm well enough that I think I'm well, ill enough that I get tired early. Don't force it! I haven't. I did get the lawn chopped down... two weeks of August growth... deeeeeep ugleeee stuff. I put the mower on the highest setting and it still found some places to bog down. Through my efforts I expect no more lost dogs. Except the black one, who disappears completely at night save for her gray beard and glowing alien eyes.

Well, my feet are once again wet with blogging excitement and evocative imagery. If I'm of a mind, I'll weigh in on Michael Vick, Health Care and yes, other topics.

Thanks, it's nice to be back.


Sam said...

You've been gone too long. It's been nearly three days. You were missed.

Cunado said...

Your words touch my heart. I noticed a brief pause in all blogging during my absence, mere coincidence?


Sam said...

No, I think David was out living his life or something (who *does* that?)and I was just on hold with Sprint for a really, really long time.

I'll try to blog something every day of the rest of my vacation now since I have been, as the kids say, 'put on blast'. Well not really, but I need some motivation so let's imagine this, 'kay?