Monday, August 31, 2009

Hey, remember the 80's?

A cool rainy week has settled in on us, and I like it very much. Thursday it may not even reach 80. Hoozahhh! September, better than August. October, better than September. November, not as good as October. And so forth. As I've stated before, October is the best month, around here at least. One can comfortably sit outside, without sweating. One can walk to the mailbox, without sweating. One can get in the car, without sweating. One can watch leaves fall, without sweating. One can sweat, without sweating. You get the idea.

I watched the following over the weekend:

Eagles, the movie
A must for any Philadelphia Eagles fan. A must not for everyone else. It was well done, more about the fans and the behind the scenes stuff than the on-the-field action. The film follows the team and city through the 2004 season. The season of TO. The season of the Super Bowl birth and the Super Bowl loss. There are bittersweet profiles of the fans, some funny, some grounded, some far gone, some tragic, all passionate on a sliding scale from healthy to unhealthy. Review: Unless your name is Doug McFarland, I wouldn't bother watching this.

Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
I watched this because of Michael Cera, who makes me laugh. The story is all well and good, a teen-ish version of Garden State meets an assortment of formulaic teen movies. The actors are good. The problem is that the actors and the story don't fit. If you know of Cera, seeing him as an alternative rock bassist who has two Catholic schoolgirls fawning over him doesn't add up. To make sense, Cera's character should have been played by Zach Effron, whoever that is. However, if this movie was cast correctly, I never would have seen it. So, I'm very conflicted. My review: 2 and 4 stars.

(not Zach Effron)


The Wrong Shirt said...

I believe you meant to say, "To make sense, Cera's character should have been played by Jack Clemens." Whoever that is.

Cunado said...

Sorry about the typo. You're right, of course.