Thursday, August 6, 2009

Serenity Now

After a higgledy piggledy several days there is a sense of order returning. My two areas at work have been a huge mess since last Friday. Things coming in, things going out. Papers stacked, not so much high, as wide. Papers of great importance, papers of no importance, all taking up space. Boxes full of bolts and nuts and other hardware. Boxes filled with nothing. Boxes filled with paper. Boxes filled with boxes. Usually a couple hour cleanup every now and then results in a bag or two of trash. Not so this time, no trash. Just a hugely disorganized mess in need of a little time. Admittedly the papers have not really been addressed, they have been stacked high to give the illusion of order, and for now, that is a good start. My email count in my inbox in Outlook is over fifty... not where I like it. I try to keep it empty. There's no way that all fifty of those emails are important, and those that are need to find their way somewhere else. Also, the A/C has been lacking at the office, which I'm sure helped to get my frustration level elevated. Go outside in the 90+ degree heat with dripping wet humidity and work pretty hard, then back into the office and it's 84 and also humid. I've previously documented my adult onset sweat-alogical disorder... so you can picture how it all goes down. Not pretty. Having extra shirts on hand is a must. Hopefully the A/C gets figured out over the next few days and my world continues to get more organized and fluid. That can only improve my blogging. And that can only make you happy.

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