Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Playoff Fever.

That's what I'd have if if I lived in a town with a minor league team about to go to their league's playoffs. But, no team and no playoffs means, you guessed it, I don't have playoff fever. My commitment this year to see more minor league baseball was a rousing mixed bag. By my count I went to four games. Four different cities. Three different leagues. Probably the biggest thwarter of increased baseball action was a rerouted and rescheduled trip to Ohio. I had devised a plan to see a game on the way to Akron, a game in Akron and then a game on the way back. Driving turned to flying, killing the to and from games. Then flying turned to delayed flying, which did away with the remaining option. At least the planning was there. Next year I'll plan to have more success.

Fall Fever.

I have this. Cloudy again today, never made it out of the 70's. Actually a chill in the air this morning. 60's tonight. So good. Autummmmmmmmmn mmmmm good. Just opened all the windows and put the ceiling fans on high to air out the summer stink. Recirculated dog smell needs to decirculate and exit, forthwith. The windows can stay open tonight, hopefully the fans will create enough white noise that the canine sleeping team won't hear their friends and enemies barking in the distance. Another risk of the open window is that some scent will waft in from a wandering cat or other passing critter setting off the nose alarm which triggers the bark alarm which triggers the be quiet, dogs alarm which triggers the bad night's sleep alarm.


As I sit outside under mosquito attack, it occurs to me that there has never been a mosquito cast as villain in any comic. Or more precisely, any comic I can recall. A quick Googling offers nothing of substance. I see a mosquito as bad guy in the Super Mario Brothers video game, but that's about it. It seems like a near universal pest, I wonder why it hasn't cracked through to the mainstream. Mosquito - carrier of disease, ruiner of picnics, nuisance of the mountain hike, buzzer of ears, drawer of blood. Is it too easy? That hasn't stopped anyone before. Even the Tick made it... hmmm. Interesting. Or not.

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