Sunday, September 13, 2009


34 56734, 294 2000867 54 5678 314 9473. 23, 2736 746 20594 50 299 5718 47823 323, 323, 845 323!!!! 78, 78, 78.I've joined Mickey in his room. He's out of his cage and has free run of the house, but has chosen to come back to his lair and snooze by the treadmill. I wish he'd join me in the living room, but no, not tonight. He's giving me a good licking, so I guess he's ok with my unannounced visit. Face licking, leg licking, arm licking, finger licking. Ankle licking now, he can lay down and do his work. For a moment he left and I think that he is trying to avoid me, but he's returned. Licking. Now he's laying down next to me. His eyeballs continue to scan the room. Whatever fear he had ingrained in his head before we found him (or he found us) lingers, I think. He remains ever vigilant. He trusts us, but there is so much else that requires caution - primarily inanimate objects... the fan in the living room, sometimes the wall in the hallway or an electrical outlet if one of his toys hits it. The only thing he really needs a reminder about is the danger of Maggie. She is good at these brief retraining seminars, complete with powerpoint presentation (snaggle tooth sneer), inspirational speech (insane angry barking) and team building exercises (stay away from my team, get your own team, I'm gonna bite your team if you don't leave my team alone).

Sometimes you pet Mickey and he growls. A happy growl, but still, a growl. I feel that a lot of Maggie's craziness we unwittingly created. I think Mickey deserves almost full credit for what he's got going on. Dad and Mom didn't help him with this project.

I've gone canine once again, but thought it a better choice than a football recap.

Though not paying close attention these days, I see that the Yankees are tearing it up. I know most people don't like the Yankees because of George Steinbrenner and the big payroll and all the winning. Growing up a Yankee fan it was never really about that for me. I liked Bucky Dent, Willie Randolph and Craig Nettles. I even liked Rick Cerone. I was glad for the Reggie Jacksons and Dave Winfields, but I liked the scrappers, the ballplayers. There are Jeter Yankee fans and there are A-Rod Yankee fans, for what that's worth. -insert sensible transition- Later in life I became a Pirates fan, for reasons I will go into at another time. Until then, adieu,

to yieu and yieu and yieu.

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