Monday, September 14, 2009

sleep, issues thereabouts

I'm currently trying to upload a larger than allowed video file to Blogger. What drives me to take such chances? It's been loading, loading, loading, loading for two hours. I assume it will, at some point, stop uploading and say the file is too big. Maybe I'll get it through. I'm a risk-taker. Luck favors the bold, and I think Blogger understands this. In the meantime, on to plan B.

The confession.

We've had our bed for a while. It was probably not that great in the first place, but it has been going down hill over the years. We've never had it on a bed frame, which, according to experts and old wives is bad for it. It is saggy and seems to keep a deep impression of our respective butts long after we leave it. Maggie leaves her mark as well, being a dense 55-60 pound napping machine. A few months ago our bed was especially uncomfortable. There was talk of a new bed. Beds are expensive. I thought that maybe we should try putting in a piece of plywood to firm it up. We rotated the mattress fairly regularly, but the general derriere location doesn't seem to change no matter how you flip, spin or twist it. But as it turns out, and I'm not sure how it turns out this way... but upon closer examination, at some point for some reason, the box spring was turned upside down. The top of a box spring is flat, solid and firm with springs for support. The bottom of a box spring is the opposite of that - a framework with no solid support network in between thin rails. Believe me, if you put a mattress on top of an upside down box spring, you get no support. I often sleep on my stomach. Imagine sleeping face down in a hammock... that's what it was like. So, this is all very sad. I would say we suffered through this for at least a couple months. "Well, it's just an old bed." How lazy. How lazy not to check it out. How accepting. How many of the seven deadly sins did we commit in this monumental display of complacency? I think we even slipped gluttony in there, somehow. Just... sorry. Sad.

Video still uploading, loading loading loading.


Blogadier General said...

I like this story. That sounds amazingly uncomfortable.

Cunado said...

It is uncomfortable, I suggest you not try it. Especially not for a long period of time.