When you least expect it, certain friends, writers of blogs themselves, may link to one of your posts, even if (or perhaps because) it is one of your poorer efforts. This writer (me) is happy for the wake-up call. If certain readers of certain blogs do follow that certain link, they will certainly judge McBlogland by the contents therein, as well they should. So, shame on me for churning out derivative tripe (and even a sequel of said tripe). Never Again! Never Again! However, I make no apology for the special relationship that title and content have within the gray confines of this page. I can not and shall not ever apologize for that... it is here where I make my stand. Right. Time to increase spending on Quality Control and introduce some incentive based performance metrics for the writing staff. Or something like that. Big Brother is watching, and sometimes Big Brother is someone's little brother. But in the end, this is a very simple game. You write the blog, you publish the blog, they read the blog. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes it rains. Think about that for a while.
A tough day for roadkill this morning. A lot of carnage out there. Raccoon, possum, squirrel and fox. The fox was a little upsetting I guess because it's dog-like. I felt bad for the others as well. It's not my thing. I don't like watching wildebeests getting tracked down by lions on nature shows. Same goes for spiders and their prey. Circle of life... Food Chain... yadda yadda... I don't like it. (Yes, reader, this is part of my Improved Content Initiative (ICI, which in french means "here," which is where we are right now. Could there be an acronym more current and alive than ICI? Believe me, the answer is no.)) A better writer would have probably used square brackets somewhere in there, but, not surprisingly, I am not that writer.
The literati amongst you are familiar with the late David Foster Wallace. If you take away 'Wallace,' you get David Foster. From
Infinite Jest writer to
Infinite Tool producer by quick subtraction of one word. Isn't that something?
Right on.
I saw a dead bear on the interstate yesterday. It was on its back with one arm folded over its chest. I am still disturbed, and wondering how the person who hit it is.
I believe the novels of David Foster Wallace are self-indulgent, overrated crap.
KW: Bear wins most disturbing roadkill in almost every conceivable scenario. Better you than me. Though seeing mile after mile of dead turtles is probably a close second.
BG: Nice, um... what should we call it? Cross-reference, bi-reference, maybe crosbi-reference. I agree, I've always preferred Sontag to Wallace.
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