Monday, September 7, 2009

Goat Boy

I saw a boy walking a reluctant goat.

This is why it is good to drive the back roads - you don't see boys walking goats while driving on the interstate. Drive on a road without a blue and red sign and you get a much more entertaining trip. Boys with goats. Goats with boys.

"Reluctant goat" may be redundant. A boy walking his willing goat, now that would be something to see.

No Charles Kuraltian nostalgiarama about back road Americana to be had here, just the quick mention of a boy and a goat. And why? Well, I would hope that if you saw a boy walking a goat, you'd tell me about it too. Blog unto others.


Yesterday's poliblog had a word choice that needs revisiting. I was thinking that "Hillarian" Listening Tour might be could be replaced by "Hillarious" Listening Tour depending on my mood. Thoughts or concerns can be directed toward the editor.


I appreciate people reading what I write. I think reading offers a sense of accomplishment and activity for the reader that other media do not offer. Do you feel that you're actively doing anything when watching a movie or listening to a song? I don't. Sometimes a song can grab you and affect you, but it doesn't need you like the written word does. The word-reader relationship has a unique dynamic all its own. Bloglas McBlogland does not take that to as deep a level as some, but there is a relationship of which you (reader) are a part. Go team!

Did I mention I saw a boy walking a reluctant goat?