Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Plants and Ants

Most people will tell you that an obedient dog is the result of a consistent, well-trained owner. I would agree. Problem dog (Mickey) and his owners were given two full rounds of professional dog training. Issues of of fear, food aggression and listening were taught to all parties with varying degrees of success. Despite having gone through these dog training classes and learning proper techniques for giving commands, I still find that I expect our dogs to obey "Don't be so stupid" as if they should understand that. Bad owner. Mickey usually gets it, Maggie usually doesn't.

There is a plant peeking through the soil out on the farm. It may be the first sprout of one of the zucchini plants. It may be weed. At any rate... something is growing out there.

The fire ant issue is generally under control. It only took several bites on my flip-flopped feet to realize it was a problem... but realized it was and dealt with it was, too. If you've ever poked at a mound you've seen the flurry of activity it creates. I guess they are all under orders that when the mound is disturbed, go out and find something and bite that something for as long as you can, then return to base for further instructions. I hope they're not more organized than that, but they may be. Look what they accomplish, some of these mounds are huge. Management must have a pretty good relationship with the ant union because they do a hell of a job. Although I guess it's more of a queen/monarchy thing. All the ants are subjects. Just like they're the subject of this paragraph.

The lawn has gone native for the past week and a half. It looks lush. Lush and unloved. It has to be confused by these cool nights and temperate days... we all were settling in for the heat of summer, and here we get a nice dose of spring. This give me great joy.

Blogger and Google suggested that I ask all of you who follow my blog to "follow" my blog. To "follow" my blog, you click on the "Follow" button to the right. It will help you keep up with all your favorite blogs, and mine as well. I don't think they suggest this merely for my own ego boost, but perhaps they sensed I was a having an off day and needed a little love. Sometimes this interactive help can be pretty sensitive to your needs. I wouldn't put anything past Google. If you do "follow," I suggest using impossible to trace screen names/profiles/pictures to protect your anonymity. Unless you're ok with who you are, who I am and so forth.

And that's all. If anyone has any topics they'd like me to cover, please let me know. I'm toying with the idea of a feature called "Technology and You: Personal Computing in the Early 90's" that would likely be a five-part series to cover the breadth of insight I have regarding this timely subject.

bye now.

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