I turned on ESPN radio on the ride home in hopes that a game would be on. They often broadcast Yankees games and I often do not listen. No game on. Instead, it was sports talk radio. Not just any sports talk radio... relatively local sports talk radio, maybe it was from Charlotte or Raleigh. The last time I happened upon this show one of the hosts was explaining how much women like hockey players. It was fascinating. I then changed the channel. I find most call in radio to be chock full of the two things I can't stand... complete unwavering agreement and complete unwavering disagreement. It must make for good ratings, but it makes for bad DougRadio. Sports talk is bad. Political talk is only better because it's more relevant, but it's no less painful. Now a call in show where the callers ask a guest questions and want to hear the answers... I can get into that. Larry King on radio was once that, and maybe still is. That was fun to listen to on my WalkMan late at night in the dark. Larry King on TV doesn't do it for me. Probably the content and everything isn't much different... but it borders on unwatchable for me. I could try listening to just the sound of Larry on TV, but my desire to explore this fairly or scientifically just isn't there. Sorry, Larry.
I'd even listen to NBA Finals games on my WalkMan. Now I rarely make an effort to catch an NBA game. However, the recent Bills-Celtics series was pretty cool. I gave up on the triple overtime game with about 6 minutes to go in the 4th quarter. I didn't regret my decision the way I did when I missed Vince Young's awesome comeback in the BCS Championship game or even that great Monday Night Football comeback by the Jets or Bills or whoever it was about five years ago.
The smell of honeysuckle is nice on nights like this. The invasive, pervasive vines of honeysuckle are a bit of a nuisance... but it's a fair price to pay for sweet smelling air. I wish fireflies liked living down here, but they don't - at least not in large numbers. Good luck filling up a jar in my back yard.
Something has Weenis all fired up. I don't know what it is or where it is. I don't think he does either.
Bugs are a bitin' - so I'll be a gittin' inside.
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