Thursday, June 25, 2009

7 paragraphs

Here you see a picture of me with Bean Plant. I hoped the plant would appear quite large. Instead, it looks like I am quite small. Apparently I was due for a total Photoshop dud and this is it. Darn.

Not a lot to say tonight. Two stars dead. One governor turned Latin lover. One Iranian protest mostly squelched. I have no interesting takes on any of these at the moment. I believe they all sort of speak for themselves.

I saw a skink chasing after, catching and eating a bug this morning. The skink was incredibly nimble in his hunt. I wouldn't have thought it was capable of catching a fast, winged creature... but I saw it happen.

Each paragraph tonight shall be approximately the same length with but a single topic explored. The paragraphs may consist of sentences and fragments at the whim of the author. Of course, all this is at the whim of the author.

Short topics are easier to write about but harder to think up. Look back on the last few paragraphs... clearly you see no revelation, no divine inspiration, no mundane inspiration. Sure could use a CNN poll to bail me out.

I swore off the CNN poll, though. I was addicted to it. Put up a poll question, make a snide, yet incisive, comment and then move on with the blog. I do one thing at a time. I do it very well, and then I move on.

Many will recognize those last few lines from M*A*S*H. Saw a good quote by FDR's daughter, Alice Roosevelt Longworth. "Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where it itches." Sounds good to me. Catch y'all tomorrow.

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