Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Famous first words

In celebration of my 85th post, I went back and copied the first lines of all my posts. The plan was to put them together into a coherent piece that hopefully wouldn’t read like a mad lib. By the time I finished copying and pasting, the project was already doomed, so I scrapped it. I did consider going through with it, but then, one of you might read it and... it could have been the last straw for you. "Enough of this Bloglas!" you'd say. I don't want you to say that... and I don't want to force you to do so with an ill-conceived post. I want the spirit to gurgle up organically from your collective depths, "Hip hip... Huzzah for Bloglas!" What follows will likely not elicit Huzzahs, but if it can avoid Boos, I'll chalk it up as a victory. So here are five first lines from the McBlogland archives and why I chose them.

Sunday morning started peacefully enough.

How can you not want to read on? Peacefully enough? What does enough foreshadow or to what does it allude? Some conflict... I must must must find out what happened later that day. Truly brilliant. Why did I choose this one? Hmmmm. Perhaps an overt homage to a cliche beginning. Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps. Perhaps it was a dark and stormy night...

David Caruso first captured our collective hearts as a bellboy in an episode of Ryan's Hope back in 1976.

David Caruso, Ryans Hope.

Knee deep in vitamin D is a bit of an overstatement.

Totally random, right?! Right? Well, I don’t think anyone ever wrote that line before, so I choose it for some minor amount of originality.

The magic loop fell late Friday afternoon.

MAGIC! obviously.

The perimeter of the farmland has been breached once again.

Again, you know this one is going somewhere phenomenal. You read that line and there is no turning back. No one can resist a story with breaching. Who breached... how did they breach... when did they breach? Breach and breach and breach and continue to breach. Short breaches or long breaches... it doesn’t matter. Just enjoy the show.

Dear readers,

Thanks for reading.


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