Friday, June 19, 2009


I have some quality material this evening, but the internet is failing me. I will update this post with hilarity on the morrow and it will surely be fabulous. My apologies to you and you and you who were expecting more than this excuse.

We thank you for your patience.

It is now tomorrow, so I am updating...

Observations from the road, things I saw and things I thought about things I saw and other things entirely.

- I was driving behind a slow moving old pickup truck at 1:00 in the afternoon on Friday. The passenger in the car had her hair in curlers. I think... 1. maybe her hair is always in curlers 2. other things about curlers. If, by one o'clock in the afternoon your hair is still in curlers, but you're more than happy go around in public, there is something wrong, perhaps several somethings wrong. Also, the driver has to assume some blame. He is responsible for making sure his passenger is buckled in (up), and should also be held accountable for the state of his passenger's hair. Summation: Curlers are a little weird, especially in the afternoon pulling into Napa Auto Parts.

- Moments later I saw an EMS ambulance at McDonald's. It was parked at the end of the building. It reminded me of high school football games where there was an ambulance parked behind the goal posts ready for some inevitable injury on the field. Summary: Food at McDonald's can be dangerous.

- Black-eyed Susans were out in full force along the North Carolina highways. Synopsis: Flowers are pretty.

- It is Blueberry Festival weekend in Burgaw, NC. It is Hog Day in Hillsborough, NC. Conclusion: I'm not sure.

- There's a big beef cattle ranch on route 86 in North Carolina. The cattle seem to have it pretty good. I know it won't end well for them. Although, for some it might end medium-well (that was comedic genius... set 'em up and knock 'em down I always say). Among all the cattle I saw a single donkey having a stroll. A nice brown Eeyore. Thought: I wonder if the donkey knows how lucky it is. I wonder if that sentence requires a question mark?

- A belated Happy Flag Day to everyone.

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