Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I'll just have a popsicle

I have no answers and I don't trust those that do... or think they do. It is never that simple. What is it? Just about anything. Even if someone could assemble all of humanity's experience over the centuries, they still wouldn't know everything. As big as the universe is, how could we really have any concept of what's actually happening? Creationism, Evolutionism, Intelligent Design, Divine Design... that's what we've come up with. I tell you what, if a little green alien shows up, all those theories are out the window. Maybe he/she/it already has. If so, I'm glad he/she/it is under wraps. We're "off" enough on our little blue marble as it is, we don't need any new chaos to add to the mix.

A line in the Tragically Hip's Emporer Penguin says that an "alien invasion is the only chance for unity." I love the concept, but I don't think it would work. The Hip didn't either, but I don't want to quote nor debate an entire song, even if it is about penguins. The theory is that we would unite as a planet against an outside threat. Then we could get back to creating and battling our own earthly constructions. For me, the only way an alien invasion creates unity is if the aliens really make it happen. My invading alien would be a uniter, not a divider. You know, just a damn good diplomat - one that could broker a one planet solution.

If we're lucky, we know what works for us. As I am writing this there are 6,785,514,464 other people going on about their business throughout the world. I haven't the slightest idea what life is like for nearly all of them. I don't really understand how we're all connected, but I like to think we are. Even if I could arrive at a moment of complete understanding, the moment would pass and I'd be clueless once again because that "truth" is probably a moving target. So rather than understanding, I'll just try to be. If I can't latch onto some constant out in the ether, hopefully I can be my own constant. Of course, that's how all the Twilight Zone episodes play out. So maybe I'll just have a popsicle, check my fantasy baseball scores, go to bed and try again tomorrow.

This post was sponsored by Air Conditioning "A/C - Hot outside... cool inside"

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